University of Worcester Shortlisted for Three National Sustainability Awards

The University of Worcester has been shortlisted by the Green Gown Awards for three national sustainability awards, including Sustainability Institution of the Year, Campus of the Future and Reporting Categories. Please click on the link below for the full article: 

Vignettes of Practice: Design and delivery of a new Module – GEOG1123 Climate Change People Policy and Action

Dr Sian Evans and Dr Matthew Smith; School of Science and the Environment This case study demonstrates how we designed and delivered a new 15 credit L4 geography module ‘GEOG1123: Climate Change: People, Policy and Action’, with a specific focus on constructive alignment (Biggs, 2003), student engagement (Coates, 2006 p. 17, Kahu, 2013, Bryson, 2014 p.3), and active learning (Prince, 2004, Michael, 2006). The module was developed in line with UW’s Policy & Regulatory Framework, Learning and Teaching Strategy 2015 – 2018 and Technology Enhanced Learning Strategy 2015 – 2019. Our goal was to take the students on a journey of discovery of the topic as well as themselves by developing their personal reflective practice and enhancing their ability to become independent learners. Critical to… Read moreVignettes of Practice: Design and delivery of a new Module – GEOG1123 Climate Change People Policy and Action

Spotlight on Digital Capabilities

Photo of York Minster

At the beginning of June I attended the latest UCISA Spotlight on Digital Capabilities in York. In its fifth year, this conference has been jointly organised by UCISA Digital Capabilities Group and Digital Education Group, so the conference has strong themes that tie in with the work around Digital Learning and Teaching here at University of Worcester. Kicking off the conference was Darrell Woodman on the the Art of Bring Brilliant, introducing ideas around positive psychology and challenging us all to be more grateful for the positives we have in our lives. This certainly resonated with me as I’m interested in how we adopt Carol Dweck’s Growth Mindset and apply this and other positive psychology methods to developing staff and student’s digital capabilities. A clear… Read moreSpotlight on Digital Capabilities

Vignettes of Practice: The use of OneNote to Develop Feedback

 Karen Broughton; School of Sport & Exercise Science   This case study demonstrates the inspirational and innovative development of technology to enhance teaching, learning and assessment within a level 5 module for Sport & Business Management degree pathway, and its positive impact upon student learning. This was inspired by the learning and teaching strategy (University of Worcester, 2015) that identified the innovative use of technology to support effective feedback which enhances learning. This case study links to the UK Professional Standards Framework (2011) and focuses on design and support for learning activities (A1), assessing and giving feedback to learners (A3), appropriate methods for teaching, learning, and assessing (K2) and the use of appropriate learning technologies (K4). Prior to the module starting I reviewed the module… Read moreVignettes of Practice: The use of OneNote to Develop Feedback

Creating a positive student survey culture: closing the Course Experience Survey feedback loop

As a University, we place a lot of emphasis on working in partnership with students, to create a positive learning community in which students are fully engaged and motivated. Student surveys can play a significant part in helping create and sustain that partnership. Overall, we are good at student surveys, our NSS response rate is well above the national average and last year our results went up on all questions. Moreover, our NSS results for student voice are very positive – the 2018 results put us as 25/151 HEIs in terms of satisfaction on this set of questions. However, looking at the breakdown for individual questions by Institute (now School) shows variation – with three Institutes scoring very highly and three showing significant room for… Read moreCreating a positive student survey culture: closing the Course Experience Survey feedback loop

Addressing Assignment Bunching

Recent student feedback, through the Course Experience Survey, and the SU Change Week initiative had identified ‘assignment bunching’ as something students would like to see addressed. So, what can be done? There are probably three key things course teams can consider to address this issue: taking a course level view of formative and summative assessment deadlines; helping students to manage their time effectively; planning an assessment strategy that involves some assignments requiring continuous engagement with reflection on learning. These are inter-related.  Some are relatively easy to adopt, whilst others will take more time.  They all start form the principle that a student’s learning experience is (and should be) of an integrated course, rather than a set of modules that are designed and developed in isolation… Read moreAddressing Assignment Bunching

Measuring the impact of projects and student focused interventions: lessons from the Library Student Engagement Team

Colleagues preparing TEF submissions will recognise how important it is to be able to measure the impact of projects and activities intended to improve the student experience. The Library Services Student Engagement Team have been thinking about this, and have produced a report on their 2017/18 project work. Library Services student engagement 2017-18 impact document Including lots of infographics, it makes interesting reading, both in relation to how Library Services have been working with students to improve the Service, and also in relation to how project leaders can build impact assessment into project design. Additionally it has some impressive materials on how to communicate project impact.

UVAC Conference – November 2018

Both Dr Sue Cuthbert and Dr Scott Andrews attended the UVAC Conference in November 2018 on behalf of the University of Worcester, regarding National Apprenticeships. Below are links to both of the presentations that were shown at the Conference: Unlocking Potential Through Work-Integrated Learning – Developing the Role of Apprenticeship Coach to Maximise the Apprentice HE Learning Experience in the Workplace Dr Sue Cuthbert and Alexandra Middleton uvac national apprenticeship conference sue cuthbert ally middleton final 191118 Collaborative FE/HE Degree Apprenticeship Programme Development – the Case for a New “Signature Pedagogy” for Work Integrated Learning Dr Scott Andrews and Laura Ratcliffe uvac conference presentation sa-lr v1

Nursing and Midwifery Council of Deans #150 leaders programme 2018

Two nursing and one midwifery student successfully applied to complete this student leadership programme, which offers innovative ways for developing future healthcare professionals, including leadership training, networking and mentoring. There were over 750 applicants for the 150 places UK wide. The 2 nursing students are now the School Representatives for the School of Nursing and Midwifery and acting as excellent role models for all course representatives within the School, offering leadership, guidance and support. The midwifery student has also been nominated in 2 further categories of this programme: Top #150 Leaders Mentoring Partnership and Midwife. Student reflection on the impact of the #150 Leaders Programme (Evie Poole, 3rd year Adult Nursing) Why did you want to apply for the leadership programme? I wanted to join… Read moreNursing and Midwifery Council of Deans #150 leaders programme 2018

School of Education Adverse Life Experience Conference October 2018

In 2015 the Institute of Education was awarded £1,000 for achieving over 55% student engagement with the University’s Course Evaluation Survey (CES). Following discussion with academic staff, the Institute Student Representatives decided to use the money to support the establishment of an Academic Society (Education Enhancement Society). In 2017 the society won the Student Union Award for best new society. When the Institute was awarded £1,000 in 2017 the Student Representatives decided once again to donate the money to the society. The money was to be used to fund a conference focusing on supporting children who have experienced bereavement. In early 2018 Erica Brown was approached by members of the Education Enhancement Society Committee. During several meetings they discussed the possibility that the event should… Read moreSchool of Education Adverse Life Experience Conference October 2018