Are you interested in inclusive learning and teaching?
Have you been thinking about how this relates to your digital practice? If so, read on…..
The last Digital Learning and Teaching Update mentioned a new Special Interest Group which has recently started up. The Digital Accessibility Special Interest Group is an open learning community where anyone at the University who has an interest in digital accessibility can get involved. Whether you’re a student studying a subject that includes inclusive approaches and assistive technologies, a member of staff with an interest in digital accessibility, a researcher who has an active focus on this or you’re just generally curious, then please come and get involved in the community.
While this is the first group to be set-up due to the focus on the public sector web accessibility regulations, it is anticipated that more groups will be set-up. The principle behind the groups is that they are open learning communities that anyone with an interest in a particular area can participate in, as much or as little as they would like.
Most of the activity will be online but we are exploring opportunities for face to face meetings as well.
Curious? Want to know more?
Currently the group is collaborating online via Yammer, which is part of the Office 365 suite. You can get involved really quickly.
- Head over to office.com and find Yammer under your apps
- Once in Yammer search for the GPR_Digital Accessibility Group and ask to join
- Introduce yourself and get involved.
- Spread the word around students and colleagues
If you have some ideas about other digital learning and teaching Special Interest Groups that you think it would be great to set-up, get in touch via LTWorcester @ worc.ac.uk.
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Photo by William White on Unsplash