Vignettes of Practice: Embedding Applied Learning Through Innovative Course Design on the MSc Sport (Applied Performance Analysis)

Embedding Applied Learning Through Innovative Course Design on the MSc Sport (Applied Performance Analysis) By John Francis, Lecturer and Course Leader, Michael Bateman, Lecturer, Jamie Kyte, Technical Demonstrator School of Sport and Exercise Science   This case study demonstrates the innovative approach to course design used throughout the MSc Sport (Applied Performance Analysis) course to maximise applied learning. We highlight the positive impact on students’ professional practice and the course team’s ability to continually reflect and develop subject knowledge. To maximise the applied learning, we work collaboratively with sports organisations to provide funded season-long placements. These allow students to engage with employability skills from the outset, through formal applications and an interview process that replicates industry practice (A1, K2). Additionally, the value clubs place on… Read moreVignettes of Practice: Embedding Applied Learning Through Innovative Course Design on the MSc Sport (Applied Performance Analysis)